✱ Archispeak 243 – Crappy Game of Telephone EPISODE LINK Topics: The downsides of hyperrealism during design presentations, when it's time to stop designing, emotional experiences in architecture, and a mini-review of the masterpiece that is Dune.
‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind‘, with Boris Rapoport and Alex Osenenko; Sponsored by ArchIT A conversation with Boris Rapoport and Alex Osenenko.
062: ‘Complexity and Opportunity‘ In this episode of the podcast, Evan Troxel describes his observation of the building industry at a critical tipping point, leaving us with the choice to see it as an opportunity to design our profession toward a better future together, or to do nothing and allow it to further slip
✱ Archispeak 242 – Aloha and As-salam alaykom EPISODE LINK Coming to you from remote locations on opposite sides the world (no, it's not flat—but it does have "sides" 🤣), we have a discussion about the true value of in-person meetings after a year and a half of virtual calls.
✱ TRXL MTB – This is One BEAUTIFUL Trail In this video, I take you down Exploration Trail in the San Bernardino mountains of Southern California. It's a beautiful aesthetic of Easter Sierra pines and Joshua Tree granite all rolled into one. The fall colors were just beginning to pop and it was the perfect time to
✱ Archispeak 241 – Future-proofing Architecture EPISODE LINK Architectural representation and its roles in cinema, world-building, alternative realities, the Metaverse, the concept of "future-proofing" space, and more.