✱ Are we there yet?

It's the question all parents hate because it usually comes up within the first five minutes of the trip. Within the context of writing (and finishing) my book, I keep hearing myself ask the question. Honestly, I had an idea it was going to be like this because this kind of project has taken me out of my usual stomping grounds. Becoming an author is new territory for me, but it's been important because 1.) I love trying new things, and 2.) I'm intensely interested in widening my experience.
I've just finished my sixth revision to the main body text, and am now tidying up all the loose ends that come along with a project like this. Let's just say it's much different than writing a blog post. I'm so glad I took the time to review it again and again- it's a much better product because of my obsession with the craft of writing. I've learned so much over the last seven months, not only about how to write a book, but simply how to write better. I have to say I am amazed that I'm still excited to share the book with everyone even though I've read it at least ten times now. It's loaded with good stuff. But in my pursuit of perfection, this book needs to be done and it needs to ship.
This week I'll be designing the cover and tightening everything else up. I don't plan on revisiting the text again for a very long time. That's not to say it's perfect, but it's good enough. If all goes as planned, it should be available in a couple of weeks. If I didn't have to worry about all of the other moving parts of my life, it would've been done much sooner. That's just not my reality.
ARE Hacks has been a labor of love, and I can't wait for everyone to read it.