✱ Finishing ARE Hacks (my book)...

Finishing my book has been one of the more difficult things I've done lately. The to-do list only seems to get longer, but my excitement is very alive for this project. I've heard that the last ten percent of a project is another ninety percent. So first you do ninety percent, then you do another ninety percent, or something like that.
Today I'm doing my final read-through* and taking care of formatting. As I mentioned in my last post, I've written longish things in the past, but nothing like this. At this point my book is just over 40,000 words, and that's just what made it into the final document. There have been many other words and ideas written that didn't make the final edit.
It's been a roller coaster ride. Curiously enough, here's a post by Seth Godin that diagrams what it's like writing a book. It's been an incredible journey, mostly involving just showing up to do the work day after day, which is much like what's involved in studying for and passing the ARE's.
Not only have I learned a new program to do my writing in, I've also learned how to self-publish. There is a lot involved in the process of creating printed and eBooks that I've never done before. I'll be writing more about how I wrote the book in future posts here on my blog, but for now I need to keep my focus on shipping.
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* Fingers crossed. No, really. This is it.