Link: LoaA Annual Playhouse Competition 2015

It's on! My friend Bob over at the Life of an Architect blog is holding his fourth annual playhouse design competition. You can see the winners from last year (and the previous years as well) and read the rules for entry. Here's the short list:
This competition is open to anyone from anywhere – the only entry criteria is the following:
- You have to be a living member of the human race (or at least be able to fool others into believing that you are).
- A good attitude should also be a requirement but that’s more of a personal judgement call.
- Capable of reading and following the instructions that are spelled out very clearly below.
So head over to his blog post and read the full rules, the submittal requirements, the timeline, and how the judging process works. It's one of the most fun competitions around, and the winning playhouses actually get built and go to an absolutely great cause - helping out kids in need.
Go play architect!