Link: The 2014 AIA Foresight Report

I'm humbled and excited to see my name and a lot of my colleagues mentioned in this year's AIA Foresight Report. It seems some people actually listen to our podcast! The report is a very well done state of the union as it pertains the architectural profession. Read the whole thing - there's lots of good information in there and it will provide a nice cross section of everything that's going on in the profession.
Thanks to the AIA for the mention.
No one can predict the future, but we can increase our chances of success through research and preparation. The AIA Foresight Report can help in allowing you to evaluate both the trends that got us to this point and those that are at work in the moment. We hope you find it useful! We will continue doing all we can to help your firms—and the practice and art of architecture as a whole—prosper in these exciting times.