Link: Top 5 Blogs to Follow to Learn What Being an Architect is Like

Ryan over at Architecture Career Guide posted an article pointing people who want to study and work in the field of architecture in the right direction when it comes to learning what it's really like.
I have chosen these 5 out of all of the sites out there, because much like the guiding principle of Architecture Career Guide, they give you an realistic insight into what being an Architect is truly like. They don’t use confusing terms or talk about architecture in general, but are focused more on the everyday Architect and their business.
Having our Archispeak Podcast in the "top 5" is an honor and I truly feel that the others in the list are great people doing great things for the uninitiated. We've all cut our teeth over the years figuring stuff out as we go along, and then the internet came along (has it really been that long?) and we have the ability to share our experiences to a bigger audience than I ever thought possible. I truly feel that it's our job to share everything we know.
Thanks Ryan. Now get over to Architecture Career Guide and see what he has to say about why he's recommending this great group.